About me & the site
Hello! Welcome to my website, I'm doomdalek! I'm a 19-year-old musician, "artist," anime fan, and awful coder. This is where I display most of my 'tisms, though as of right now the entire site is undergoing major reconstruction. Here, you'll be able to find things I make or just simply find cool. If you'd like to connect with me, simply check out the social links near the bottom. Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your stay!
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I have recently developed an interest in the Strandbeesten (Dutch for 'beach beasts'). They are kinetic structures created by engineer and artist Theo Jansen. They are powered by wind—or sometimes compressed air—and are designed to move autonomously across sandy terrains using a highly efficient leg mechanism developed by Jansen himself. This mechanism gives them a striking resemblance to living organisms as they navigate their environment, and I believe more people should experience his art.